Handcleaners & Bath House


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Handcleaners & Bath House

Applied A3110 Tango +

About Applied A3110 Tango

Tango has been scientifically formulated using naturally occurring citrus oils which work as extremely effective cleaners in conjunction with polymeric beads to give gentle abrasive action.

Tango comes highly recommended for any application where soap is just not effective e.g. mines, manufacturing and engineering workshops, auto repair and maintenance, garages and the handyman’s office.

Use wherever petroleum products are not acceptable.


An orange heavy bodied abrasive liquid.

4 Litre Icon

4 Litre

15 Kilogram Pale Icon

15 Kilogram Pale

Applied A3935 Body Klene +

About Applied A3935 Body Klene

Body Klene is a total body and hair shampoo formulated from natural soaps, neutral surfactants and emollients to ensure effective soil removal with maximum protection to skin.

Body Klene is suitable for use in industrial shower complexes where a product with extra cleaning power is required.

Body Klene is also suitable for light duty hand cleaning.


Appearance: Clear red slightly viscous liquid.

Specific Gravity (@ 20°C) 1.01

4 Litre Icon

4 Litre

1000 Litre IBC Icon

1000 Litre IBC

Applied A3963 Ultra Lemon +

About Applied A3963 Ultra Lemon

Ultra Lemon has been scientifically formulated using naturally occurring citrus oils which work as extremely effective cleaners in conjunction with polymeric beads to give gentle abrasive action.

Ultra Lemon comes highly recommended for any application where soap is just not effective e.g. mines, manufacturing and engineering workshops, auto repair and maintenance, garages and the handyman's office.

Use wherever petroleum products are not acceptable.


A yellow heavy bodied abrasive liquid with a pleasant lemon citrus fragrance.

5 Litre Icon

5 Litre

15 Litre Pale Icon

15 Litre Pale

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