Hot Tank & Workshop Chemicals


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Hot Tank & Workshop Chemicals

Applied A3663 Appsorb +

About Applied A3663 Appsorb

Appsorb is calcined (super-heated) Diatomaceous Earth, a sedimentary rock made up primarily of amorphous silica. Appsorb is an extremely effective absorbent that is used in a wide range of industries, tanneries, canning plants, packing plants, textile mills, garages, workshops, petrol stations, etc.  Appsorb can be used on many types of lubricants, light oils, cutting oils, soluble oil emulsions, water, grease, acids, solvents, syrups and other liquid and semi-liquid materials.


Appearance - white to light grey fine granules

Odour - no odour

Melting point - 1500 degrees Celsius approx.

Solubility - Insoluble in water

20 Litre Pale Icon

20 Litre Pale

205 Litre Drum Icon

205 Litre Drum

1000 Litre IBC Icon

1000 Litre IBC

Applied A4413 Alkaline Immersion Cleaner/Degreaser +

About Applied A4413 Alkaline Immersion Cleaner/Degreaser

Applied 4-413 is a clear, alkaline liquid designed for general degreasing of metals either by hot soak or hot high pressure cleaning.


Appearance: Clear green liquid with a mild odour.

Specific Gravity: Typically 1.06

pH 10% Solution: Typically 12.3

Flash Point: Non flammable

Applied A5710 Hi Alk +

About Applied A5710 Hi Alk

HI ALK is a truly effective heavy duty cleaner for all decarbonising, de-rusting and degreasing operations.  Wherever stainless steel, cast iron, or steel have been subject to rust, grease or carbon deposits in machining or storage, HI ALK has been designed to remove it all, in one clean, fast action.


HI ALK is a clear, straw coloured, slightly viscous liquid.

Specific Gravity: 1.320 0.01

Contains 307g /L sodium hydroxide

(Total alkalinity as Sodium Hydroxide 348 g/L)

Applied A5850 Improve +

About Applied A5850 Improve

Improve de-rusts and degreases in one fast, thorough operation.  It does not contain cresylic acid, so it is highly suitable for use in the Food Industry  -  cleaning meat hooks and gambrels and removing baked on food deposits, etc.

Improve is designed for removing particularly tenacious contaminations such as carbon and heat modified carbon deposits, rust, grease, oil surface coatings including acrylics, photo-resist, food residues, etc.


Improve is a complex alkaline grade blended with surfactants, penetrants and boosters, it is a white granular flake product with a caustic odour and is used for heavy duty cleaning.

Applied A8080 Electrical Solvent +

About Applied A8080 Electrical Solvent

Applied 8-080 is a highly efficient liquid solvent cleaner with a high flash-point.

Applied 8-080 is designed for cleaning applications where water is undesirable or hazardous.


Applied 8-080 is a clear liquid safety solvent with a high flash-point - open cup over 65°C (C.O.C.).

Applied 8-080: Twice tested to prove its intrinsic safety on electrical equipment.

Test One: 13 mm spheres, 4 mm apart at room temperature. 25 kV were used for one minute on the cleaning surface and Applied 8-080 passed. Even up to 50 kV could not puncture.

Applied A8275 Appsolv E-75 +

About Applied A8275 Appsolv E-75

Appsolv E-75  is the first choice for non-chlorinated high flash point solvent cleaner that can be used to clean electrical components.

It is also ideal for use in cleaning precision mechanical parts for assembly and meets the requirements of Caterpillar ISO 16/13 particle count.

In fact Appsolv E-75 is suitable for any cleaning application where water cannot be used.

Appsolv E-75 is used to replace or reduce the use of products that contain chlorinated solvents,overcoming the potentially sensitive issues surrounding the use of chlorinated products.


Appearance: A water white liquid with a petroleum solvent odour.

Specific Gravity: 0.805 @ 20ºC.

Flash Point: 64ºC (Tag Closed Cup).

80°C (Cleveland open Cup).

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